Everyday Experiences2

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Elizabeth Dunn

Ashley Whillans

Department of Psychology,
University of British Columbia

Introduction and Purpose: The present study is designed to investigate the opinions that individuals have about everyday
experiences and how these opinions affect their future attitudes and behavior.

Study Procedures: If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete several questionnaires assessing your
preferences. You will also be asked to report your present experiences and/or past experiences. Finally, you will answer
a short battery of personality measures and several demographic questions. Further, at 1 year and 2 years from now you
will be contacted with the opportunity to participate in a follow-up portion of the study. This follow-up study will involve
completing similar questions about your experiences as well as completing similar personality measures and demographic
measures. If you decide to participate in all aspects of this study, completion of this initial online survey, and the two follow-
up surveys will take approx. 1.5 hours of your time over the course of the next calendar year.

Potential Risks: There are no known or likely risks from participating in this study.

Confidentiality: No identifying information will be collected from you, and your responses to each section of the
questionnaire will be kept strictly confidential. Data will be stored in a locked filing cabinet or on a password-protected
computer, and will be destroyed after the required storage period. Only the principal investigator, Dr. Elizabeth Dunn and the
research team will have access to any of the questionnaire information.

Compensation: If you agree to participate in this initial online survey you will be entered in a draw to win $100. If you
choose to withdraw from the study before completion, you will still be entered in to this draw.

Contact for information about the study: If you have any questions or would like further information about this study,
please contact Ashley Whillans at ashleywhillans@psych.ubc.ca

Contact for concerns about the rights of research subjects: If you have any concerns about your treatment or rights as a
research subject, you may contact the Research Subject Information Line in the UBC Office of Research Services at (604)

Consent: Participation is entirely voluntary, so you may withdraw your consent for any reason and at any time you wish to
do so with no penalty for your compensation.

Please select, I AGREE below if you consent to participate in this study.